FreshNews 7.15.15 The New Record is finally here! It took 5 years but it was all worth it. Today, our new album, Far Beyond the Grave is unleashed into the world. We are incredibly proud of this album and hope it will be as exciting to our fans as it is to all of us. Cheers! 11.30.13 Happy Holidays! To celebrate this festive occasion we’re playing a show! 3.6.13 Welcome to our brand new webpage! We are really stoked to get things updated but please be patient. We’re mainly a DIY operation so this page will gain new content as our time permits. Stay Tuned! 1.3.13_We’ve been busy this past year. Our New album is tracked and ready to send to the mixing house. However, the search for a new drummer and bass player is ongoing. If you are interested or know a kick-ass, cool as hell individual who would dig our style let us know about it. Email us directly or hit us up on facebook. 1.20.12_Our New Record is well underway for those of you that like to follow such developments. We have been spending many hours in the studio whittling away at what is shaping up to be one killer album! We have yet to even title our grand opus. We hope to have more information including a title, a rough mix of some of the music as well as info on the rest of the production process over the next 4 to 6 weeks. We are posting regular updates on our facebook and Reverb Nation pages as well as twitter. You can also check out our most recent email blast on our contact page. 10.16.11_Mourned By Flies is in the process of recording a brand new album. While we are in the studio, Skar will also be touring with Colorado band Arcanium. Be sure to follow us on facebook to keep up with impending production announcements. We’re really stoked about the new album and can’t wait to show it to you all – it’s gonna be sick! 4.18.11_Lots of news today. May 7th in Loveland, we’re playing with Immortal Dominion, GasHead and Walk the Dead. This show is gonna be AWESOME! Also, our cloud based Merchandise Store can be accessed on our “Merchandise” link. We have a bunch of stuff up with our new logo on it! Go check it out. 3.25.11_RagnaRockRadio! We’ve been busy over the past couple of weeks. We signed a promotion deal with an agency in South America called The Pain Fuctkory. Tomorrow (March 26th), we should be on a radio show called “Mutilador Radio” Sorry for the short notice but like I mentioned before, we’ve been really busy getting it all in order. The show airs from 23:00 pm – 02:00 am (USA time), you can find the station here: This link takes you to a page called, “La Casa de Metal – RagnaRockRadio puntoOrg.” At the top-left of the page are 4 media player icons to choose from (Windows, Quick Time, Real, and Winamp). Pick your favorite and it should launch the station for you in your selected media player. 1.10.11_Happy New Year! To celebrate, we’re gonna blow the roof of of Sidekicks Saloon this Saturday. INfo on the Tour page. See you at the show! 12.3.10_Jan 15th, 2011… just though we’d pass along a little tid bit. Don’t make plans for the 15th of next month. You might all ready have something to do that evening…..? 11.23.10_What better way to celebrate the rigteous deals you'[ll have scored on the biggest shopping day of the year. Come down to Sidekicks Saloon and celebrate the rest of your four day weekend! We’re opening the show, don’t be late. Details are on the Tour page as always. 9.26.10_ For those of you that haven’t yet experienced strippers and Heavy Metal, this is your last chance. Early October appears to be the end of live music at PT’s Club Inferno. To close it out with a bang we’ll be tearing up the stage with 7 other bands! Unless you have an aversion to strip cubs and metal, or you’re unfortunately not 21 yet, then you have no reason for missing this all out party! The cover charge is only $10 for the metal show and the girlie show. Line-up and directions are on the Tour page. SEE YOU THERE!. 8.20.10_Larimer Lounge Tonight! Hey all, lookin’ for something to do tonight? Head over to the Larimer Lounge. It’s only $8 buck, twice the length of that silly Twilight movie and half the price! Show Info is on the Tour Page. 7.26.10_Spillway Grill Saturday. Big News! This Saturday we’re playing with a new vocalist! Jesse Parrish, most recently of Parrish The Fall, will be heading the stage. So far the addition of a third set of lungs are building the music into something monumental! Jesse started jamming with us just a couple of weeks ago, this will be a trial by fire of sorts. Rehearsals are sounding really good, we just need a crowd to fan the flames and really push it to the limits. Check it out this Staurday. All of the info is on the flier below. If you have any other question you can answer’em at SEE YOU THERE! 6.21.10_Old Curtis St. Bar this weekend. With Scalafrea, Cattleist and Osgluth. Info’s on the tour page. 5.2.10_Marquis Theater on Saturday Sweet show this Saturday w/ Scalafrea, Harvest the Murdered and Action Friend. Be there ! 2.21.10_Slave to The Metal Festival Okay here’s the scoop: The show on March 6th is an Industry Showcase. That means that there will be representatives from the music industry looking for talent. So if any of you are interested in buying tickets in advance call or email me and we’ll make it happen. To entice you, there are two new tracks posted on our MySpace, They’re the first two songs at the top of the player, “Lambs To Slaughter” and “Paradise Lost.” Take a listen then download for free. Leave a comment to let us know what you think of’em! Pre-sale tickets for the “Slave To The Metal Festival” determine the line-up of the playbill. If we sell the most tickets we get first choice on a time slot to play. We really need people to buy tickets in advance so that we don’t play at 2 o’clock in the morning and you all don’t have to wait until then for us to play, you’ll also save a couple of bucks. Tickets MUST be purchased before the day of the show. We turn all remaining tickets and money from sales in 2 hours before the doors open so that the promoter can make the line up for the night. Tickets are $10 pre-sale, $12 day of the show. It’s a 2-day show March 5th-6th; we’re playing on the 6th. 2.12.10_Bender’s Tavern March 6th! As the lead in suggests we’ll be playing at Bender’s Tavern on March 6th. We’re using this gig as an opportunity to unleash 30 minutes of brand spanking new Mourned By Flies Metal! Everybody keeps asking when we’re playing another show, well here you go. Ask and ye shall receive. We’ve had a lot of false starts and gigs that seemed to disolve before they were booked, sorry that it took over a year to get the show back on the road. We can confidently say that it has been time well spent, confusion not withstanding This is some of the coolest stuff we’ve written so far. We’re playing the second night of a two night Metal show. That’s all we’ve been told so far. As soon as we get more info we’ll post it. 1.18.10_New Year, New Music. Things are steaming right along in the MBF world. First of all we’d like to say thanks to everyone that took us up on our album giveaway. There were a whole lot of you out there that picked up the album for free. For those of you that missed out (You can follow any of the links immediately to the left of this post and get yourself some music) or already had it, don’t worry. We’ve got something kick-ass for you in the near future. We’re just waiting to hear back from the mastering studio…. MBF 12.18.09_Happy Holidays! Times are tight for everyone right now so we wanted to give something to anyone that would have it – our CD! Just right click on the link, or control click for you clever Apple users, choose “save as” and download our album for free, DOWNLOAD HERE (link no longer avtive). Be sure to tell everyone you know to come get the music for free. Post links on your Facebook pages, Myspace or anywhere that people might hear about this totally awesome offer! Happy Holidays – MBF 8.17.09_Twitter Bound. As you can see we’ve joined the masses of tweeters. IF you want an easy way to stay abreast of all things Mourned By Flies, this would be right up there with the new letter. Not to mention you can send us nasty little “Tweets” whenever you want… 8.7.09_The Amps Are Warming Up! As we mentioned in June, we’ve been furiously writing some ferocious new material over this past Spring and Summer, Skar and His wife welcomed a new baby boy into the world in July Mr. Gristle went to San Francisco for a bit of respite and Greg traveled to Greece and Italy for some travel abroad. All in all it’s been a very busy summer. But, as we all have noticed, summer is looking to turn to fall and that means we are looking to book some shows! We’ve got a few irons in the fire but nothing concrete just yet. Stay Tuned…… 6.7.09_Time To Write…All of us have a lot on our plate this summer so unfortunately we don’t have any shows currently booked. However, we’ve been writing like mad over the past few months and will continue to do so most of this summer. We look forward to seeing all of you this fall with lots of kick as new material! 3.6.09_Another Great Review! We just received an outstanding review from Westword Magazine in Denver Colorado! Follow this link to check it out, or you can read it on our merchandise page. 12.19.08_Interview With KT Prod. We ran across an interview conducted by KT Productions with our guitarist Greg. This is actually from back in July. We had no idea whether or not KT would use and we never heard anything from them either way. At any rate, it’s on their site and It’s rather amusing, check it out and let us know what you think. 12.12.08_Killer Review! An Italian webzine did a killer review of our record, Signs Of Life. Go and check it out on the Merchandise page. It’s posted right underneath the CD. Thanks to Markus Ganzherrlich and Rock and Metal for the sweet review. This has been a great year for us and now we’re gonna take a little break over the next couple of months to work on new material for a new album. We hope the rest of the year treats you all well and we’ll see you in 2009! 10.16.08_MBF On Metal Comp! Today is a red letter day in the MBF Household. We are stokoed to tell everyone that we are represented nation wide on a indie metal Compilation called, Downtown Metal Vol. 9, Produced by Quickstar Productions. This disc features bands from all over North America Check it out on currently on iTunes(sorry no link for this album, you’ll have find it the old fasioned way),, and soon to be available at, and 10.10.08_We’re #3 on PUNK 101! We received a little message today from the folks over at Punk They just wanted to pass along that we are #3 on their charts for the Months of September through October! We’re pretty fired up about it, we thought you might be too. 7.27.08_Mourned By Flies Ring Tones! Get your MBF Ring Tones by clicking on the button in the left column there. Fill in a little info (the only info I filled in was the info for my phone) and get your free ring tones. KICK ASS! 7.25.08_Big Show at the Nudie Bar! We’re playing at Club Inferno, Aug 16th, check the SHOWS/TOUR page for details and ticket purchase. The Ticket link takes you to the Left Nut Entertainment event calendar page. Select Aug 16th on the calendar and you can then buy tickets, so you should go do that right now. It’s gonna be friggin’ sweet! 7.22.08_Get MBF Text Updates! We’re giving our fans one more way to stay in the Mourned By Flies loop. By clicking on the “MOBILE ALERTS” pic just to the left there, you can sign up for MBF text alerts. You will receive texts for show updates, last minute FYI’s and general MBF stuff. You can also respond, send pics from your phone and lots of other cool stuff. So go ahead join the club, and don’t worry, you personal info will be used ONLY for this service. Broadtexter does not solicit any of it’s user information. 6.1.08_CROW CD RELEASE. We’ve got a big show on deck next weekend 6.7.08, at Hodi’s Half note in Ft Collins. All of the info you’ll need is on the Tour page. We want to pack this place for Crow’s CD release so here’s some extra incentive: Tell the folks at the Mourned By Flies Merch Table that you saw this post and we’ll give you 50% off the price of our shirts and CDs. That means that CDs and Shirts would be $5! That’s a screaming deal anywhere! You can see four killer bands, and get a Mourned By Flies shirt and CD for $16 bucks! I don’t care who you are, that’s a sweet freakin’ deal. A lot of hard work, time and money goes into self producing a CD, please come out and support your local metal scene, we do this for all of you as well as ourselves. The reward of the fans excitement and enthusiasm is often the biggest and most important motivator for local musicians to continue to write and perform. You guys and girls out there are the Fuel for our Fire! This Is an important night for Crow so come down and buy their CD and support the scene. See you all Saturday. Also, we have a new newsletter address: “”. Just a little FYI to keep everyone up to date. If you don’t already receive it, sign up today dammit! 5.9.08_We’re on iTUNES! We’re Global Folks! Signs Of Life is now available on iTunes! Come and celebrate with us and GasHead at the Stagger in tomorrow. See You There! 4.17.08_COME AND GET IT!!! Signs of Life, our brand new CD is available through if you know what good for you, and your friends for that matter, you’ll go buy one for yourself and everyone that you know. If you buy more htan one you save 20%. Then after you were smart and saved all of that cash, youcan sell it to you friends at full price – $9.98. What a kick ass deal! For those of you who like to buy music digitally, that’s in the process of happening. As soon as Mourned By Flies is available at your favorite digital shopping site we’ll let you know. 2.25.08_ Thanks to everyone at Wyatt’s Torch this Past Saturday. We always have fun there. For those of you that couldn’t make it, well you missed a killer band Rising Pain from Phoenix, AZ. Also, a big thanks to Hellstrum and Scalafrea; both bands are cool people with humble personalities. Shows like this are like hanging out with friends. This kind of camaraderie is what continues to makes playing in a big local metal scene like the Colorado Front Range. See you all on March 8th! 2.8.08_Today is a red letter day boys and girls! We have several new shows osted in the Shows/Tour page as well as some new information on the forthcoming album. Now before I go any farther, there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is this-The new album Signs Of Life is finished and in our hot little hands. That’s right the wait is almost over. Here’s the bad news. The official CD release party is a little ways off yet. Your mantra until then should be this, “Good things come to those who wait; and I’m good goddammit!” However, we will have a few with us over the next few weeks at shows. If you are really good, and we know that you well be because your mantra says so, we might have a few for sale. That’s right, you could be the coolest kid on the block because you got an advance copy of the new album FROM THE BAND, for a nominal fee of course. Music doesn’t grow on trees. All of you little music pirates should keep that in mind. Illegal downloading will hurt everyone in the long run. If you want folks to quit making music, keep stealing it and it’ll go away in a hurry. Enough of the soapbox preachin’, today is a happy day. ROCK N” FUCKIN” ROLL!!! 1.29.08_To celebrate our new album, Signs Of Life, is at the printer right this very minute. Just think, the copy that you will covet until the very moment you can get your quivering, sticky little fingers on it, is being pressed at the replication factory as you read this. Because all of you are so rampantly dedicated to us, we have posted the whole damn thing for everyone to enjoy. In fact you’re listening to it right now. To hear it from start to finish, just let the music play and play and play. Or if you’re the anxious type you can skip to any track your little heart desires, the media player is at the bottom left of the browser window. 1. The invocation Of Gaahl 2. Signs Of Life 3. Eviscerate 4. Erased 5. Into the Wake of the Void 6. Dying Circuit 7. Simple Fix 8. Nasci A Morte Enjoy. 1.27.2008_The new Album Signs Of Life Is Finished! It is being pressed as I type this message. We will likely be announcing a CD release sometime over the next month or so. For those of you that like to be in the know, sign up for the Mourned By Flies Newsletter and be the first to get the word on all MBF activities. Speaking of events check the SHOWS/TOUR page for some new show updates. Many of you may notice the utter lack of comments posted since September. Well chalk that up to learning the ins and outs outs of web administration. There were many until they mysteriously disappeared, accompanied by a startled “WHAT THE FUCK???” In other words, we really do keep up with regular news updates. We’re not lazy, just computer illiterate at times. 9.6.2007_VOTE FOR US at KBPI’s Best Band In Denver Contest! Vote RIGHT NOW dammit! You only have until September 10th at 10p.m. so get on it! VOTE HERE 8.26.2007_ Mourned By Flies Has a New Homepage. And you’re looking at it. Here it is, our brand new website. We have had a busy summer, Red Fest, Shred Fest, an awesome new full length album is currently being recorded at FireStorm Studio, whew! We’re also looking for artists, we need artwork for the new album. If You or some one you know would be interested please contact us. There are lots of things to be added as the site gets fleshed out with pics, possibly a video or two, media player and eventually a store. We’ll keep everybody up to date with our progress via newsletter, so sign up and get in the loop! More to come when there’s more to tell…